IDD Therapy

A non-invasive, innovative therapeutic technology
- called IDD Therapy may take the place of painful, costly, and uncertain success of back surgery.

Dr. John Longinotti, who has been in private practice since l9B5 in Oak Park, Ill., says, "I chose chiropractics in part because I like working with people. After 20 years, I can still say it's a great profession." His office, he says, "utilizes multiple facets of physical therapy as well as massage therapists. I like to integrate these in my work." One major challenge over the years has been the limited success he has had treating those with back, problems stemmingfrom disc injuries. This, of course, has been a problem for anyone in the field. "Disc patients have always been dfficult to help, but in my office we were aware of advances made in technology that promised improvement in treatment," says Dr. Longinotti. "It's heartbreaking to see patients with 'foot drop,' a condition caused by disc damage. They literally drag their leg. We are also talhing about patients who cannot do something as simple as grocery shopping, or getting in their car. Picking up a small child can be a killer for someone with back pain."

His office conducted research, investigating the various options. "We looked around for more than six months for a new therapy for back treatment before deciding on the Accu- SPINA," he says, referring to the piece of equipment designed to execute so-called IDD Therapy, short for Intervertebral Disc Decompression Therapy. "Decompression treatments for the back have been around for a while, but this latest version, this IDD Therapy, brings it to a new and much more effective level," says Dr. Longinotti. "I was attracted to the fact that a broad team had worked to put together the protocols." These procedures for the Accu-SPINA table were developed by a team of neurologists, neurosurgeons, orthopedists, and

His office conducted research, investigating the various options. "We looked around for more than six months for a new therapy for back treatment before deciding on the Accu- SPINA," he says, referring to the piece of equipment designed to execute so-called IDD Therapy, short for Intenertebral Disc Decompression Therapy. "Decompression treatments for the back have been around for a while, but this latest version, this IDD Therapy@, brings it to a new and much more effective level," says Dr. Longinotti. "I was attracted to the fact that a broad team had worked to put together the protocols." These procedures for the Accu-SPINA* table were developed by a team of neurologists, neurosurgeons, orthopedists, and

chiropractors for use in rehabilitating and healing damaged structures of the spine. "I bought this equipment, which is expensive, to help me treat disc patients more effictively and efficiently. Research shows this therapy has an 86% to 94% success rate, and that is going to greatly help me to accomplish my goal," he says.

Dr. Longinotti, who has referred patients suffering from disc problems to surgeons, was impressed by the fact that surgeons are among those who have purchased and use the Accu-SPINA table. "They will use the machine as a precursor to doing surgery -neurosurgeons, osteopaths; this speaks well of the machine. It's one of the reasons I was drawn to it," he says. "Our office has treated hundreds of patients with back and neck pain, people who have been in auto accidents, or who have gotten hurt on the job, and those with sport injuries or chronic back pain. I look forward to broadening the range of those we can help using IDD Therapy," says Dr. Longinotti. He notes a possible opportunity close to home to use the therapy. "My wtfe works at the front desk of our office, and she is a candidate for IDD Therapy. A while back she injured her back and broke her sacrum. As for myself, I have congenital anomalies and go to a chiropractor and get adjusted on a regular basis."

Dr Longinotti graduated from the well regarded State University of New York at Binghamton in 1981, receiving a B.A. in biology and a B.A, in psychology. He then attended the National College of Chiropractic in Lombard, Ill., receiving a B.S. in biology and a D.C. degree in 1985. 

IDD Therapy works for which patients?
It works with people who have disc problems, such as a herniated or bulging disc, sciatica, and chronic back pain due to sprains, for instance.

What's happening with the back that
causes pain?

What happens in disc problems is the material
inside the disc - the nucleus - moves out of
its position and starts impinging on the nerve,
causing inflammation.

What causes damuge to discs?
Discs, which separate the vertebrae and act
as shock absorbers, can become damaged
due to trauma or the aging process. Each
spinal disc is surrounded by highly sensitive
nerves, and the inner poftion ofa disc that
has been damaged may leak. This viscous
material contains irritating agents, which,
when they come in contact with a nerve can
cause pain that can travel down the length of
the nerve. Even a small disc herniation that
allows a small amount of the inner disc
material to touch the nerve can cause
significant pain.

What about sciatica?
When it happens on the L5Sl - that's where
the sciatic nerve exits - it causes tingling and
burning down the leg. That's sciatica.
Approximately 90% of herniated discs occur
there. This is what IDD Therapv@ is most
effective in dealing with.

Who would the therapy not be for?
Treatment is not effective for someone with
osteoporosis, or severe arthritic changes,
or if someone had a break in a disc - we
would not want to treat thaI. If someone
were pregnant, that would also be a reason
to steer away from the therapy.

Is IDD Therapy@ generally considered an
ulternative to surgery?
Yes, that's its main feature, as an option to
surgery, which once was the only way to treat
the kind of disc problems that now respond
very well to IDD Therapy'.

What about surgery?
There was a time when surgery offered the

Dr. Longinotti Featured with Accu-SPINA

only promise of a cure for disc problems. With surgery. of course. there is no guaranlee that it will work and it may actually do more harm than good. One study showed that upwards of two-thirds of those who underwent surgery had recurrent problems. On top of this, it's expensive and requires time in a hospital and time in bed recuperating. With IDD Therapyo, there's no downside.

Are you against surgery? Everything has its place. I have made numerous referrals to surgeons in my area and have good working relationships with them. I have no doubt I'll be making referrals to them in the future. Some people absolutely need surgery. For instance, ifa piece ofthe disc
breaks off, you can distract until doomsday and it will be of no help. But surgery is drastic, and anybody with back pain owes it to themselves to investigate all options before making the decision to undergo surgery.
What do the surgeons themselves think about IDD Therapy?
Ninety percent of those who own the "table" used in the procedure - the technical name is the Accu-SPINA - are neurosurgeons and
orthopedic surgeons. It's a respected procedure with a long history. It's been perfected over time. Ten or 15 years ago, it was a face-down technique, and it simply did not work as well. Surgeons wiill put their patients through the regimen on the Accu-SPINA prior to resorting to surgery.

What are the merits of IDD Therapy compared with surgery?

For starters, there is absolutely no risk with IDD Therapy. Also, it has a much higher success rate than surgical procedures, both immediately and long term. Clinical studies indicate that IDD Therapy works 86% to 94% of the time. After two years, 10% of those having gone through the therapy report no return of pain, compared with only about a third who had undergone surgery.

Describe the procedure

A patient lies on the Accu-SPINA, which is a spinal decompression table. IDD, by the way, stands for Intervertebral Disc Decompression. Using the results of an MRI to locate the exact spot of the problem, the treatment targets the injured part of the back and very gently separates the two vertebrae that are pressing against each other and causing the pain. This creates a vacuum that reduces irritation to the nerve root and brings down inflammation.

What are some of its more technical aspects?

The manipulation is computer directed and therefore consistent. It can be duplicated withprecision session after session. It's even transferable, in the event that a patient in the middle of a treatment schedule had to relocate. A new medical office using the Accu-SPINA would be able to pick up where the previous one left off. Another benefit lies in the combination of the

machine and the IDD protocols. In the past, there were lesser versions of this equipment that didn't work as well.

You are relieving the pressure of a disc pressing against a nerve, correct?

Yes, it's that simple and that's the main function of the therapy. Let's say you have a herniated disc at the L5-Sl level. What happens with these injuries is that the fibers that hold the jelly-like material in place have cracked and allowed some of this viscous material to seep out from the center of the disc, out toward the external portion. While it's doing this, it's creating a bulge, or a protrusion, that's putting pressure on one of your nerve roots. The L5-Sl is where the sciatic nerve begins, which when affected causes tingling and numbness down the leg. The machine is especially designed to relieve this pressure.

What is the history of this therapy? 

The principle of lDD Therapy, in conjunction with the machine, is an old one, namely, reducing pressure on the disc and allowing a vacuum to develop. The vacuum will allow the viscous, jelly-like material to flow back, reduce the protrusion, and end the pain.

Is this a new procedure?

The methods used in IDD Therapy have been developed over years by neurologists, neurosurgeons, chiropractors, and orthopedists. But the Accu-SPINA table has brought this treatment to a whole new level


of effectiveness. The oscillation feature of the table is key because it is pumping fluid back into the disc. Blood is getting back to the disc and promoting healing. No otherequipment has this feature.

Please elaborute on the oscillation featare?
The oscillation feature on the Accu-SPINA table fools the body to prevent it from reacting to the stretch and going into spasm. This allows for genuine decompression to take place and for the healing to begin. This equipment allows the patient to be more relaxed in general. The combination of the oscillation, the vibratory bed, and the heat results in a very comfortable experience. It's a huge step forward in technology.
What sets IDD Therapy apart Jrom treatments that preceded it?

The IDD Therapyo protocols that have been developed and have constantly evolved and improve with the high-speed sharing of iinformation among doctor are the most successful way to date to execute the therapy. And the Accu- SPINA equipment is the most up-to-date, sophisticated way to execute IDD Therapy'

What is the dffirence between traction and IDD Therapy?

Traction is very different. Traction fails in many cases because it causes muscular stretch receptors to fire, which then cause para-spinal muscles to contract. This actually causes the very intradiscal compression we're trying to avoid. IDD Therapyo is all about
decompression. It causes decompression through distraction. The Accu-SPINA equipment, set up for IDD protocols, modulates the distraction forces to apply a gentle, curved angle pull. The IDD protocols are the scientific baseline that's been proven successful, and the machine used must be capable of directing specific degrees of angulation for each specific diagnosis and pathology site.
How is healing affiected?
Repeated IDD Therapy@ promotes the diffusion of water, oxygen, and other nutrients into the disc area -utarealhal normally gets poor blood flow - and this promotes healing.
Is healing of a disc problem a notable feature of IDD Therapy?
Yes, it is. It is a computer-driven procedure. The machine is targeting, on a very specific level ofyour body, the two vertebrae that are causing you the trouble, gently separating them, thereby allowing the vacuum to occur, which works to reduce some of the irritation to the nerve root.

Is the cure long term?
Patients will ask, 'Is this a permanent injury?'And the answer is yes. They've torn the cartilage in their disc. But they should still go through this therapy because it can be so positive, because it can strengthen the ligaments, which keeps that jelly material from bulging out. The patients feel better. I know ofreports of patients who have gone up to four years with no reoccurrence of pain.

Is there pain associated with the treatment?

No. When treating patients suffering from disc problems, you have to be very careful, very gentle. Every move is intensified. Also, with IDD Therapy, the patient is in control. What I mean is there is a cut-off switch, which enables the patient to stop the procedure at any time. The treatment really never calls for this, but it gives people a sense ofcontrol and reassurance. The procedure is very gentle, In fact, patients often fall asleep on the table during treatments.
Is the Accu-SPINA table expensive?
I'd say so. It costs $150,000. It's an elaborate piece of equipment, though what it does is simple and effective.
How long does each individual procedure tuke?
Each treatment takes about 25 minutes, during which the patient lies face up, attached by two harnesses.

Are there side effects?
No. The patient is not taking any risks with this treatment. Everything about it is finely tuned and calibrated so there are no risks and no downside.

How would you sum up your thinking on IDD Therapy?
It's very satisfying to be able to help people get well. This therapy gives me another way to do that. I have seen first-hand the debilitating effect of chronic pain on people's lives. It can be devastating, and to be able to do something about it is very gratifying.


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